Different Names
Laser Lipo - Cold Laser Therapy - Red Light Therapy - Near Infrared Therapy (NIR) - Laser Scanner
Different Body Contour Procedures
Liposuction - Cool Sculpting® - Zerona® - Joovv® - Red Rush® - Contour Light® - Sculpt Pod® - Red 360®
With so many options, with so many different names… it makes it hard to find what option is the best and what is worth it; or fakes!
First. Let’s start with what ‘GENESIS CONTOURLIGHT’ is NOT!
Now look at the CONTOURLIGHT
If we stop for a second and look at the comparison of just the Hardware GENESIS uses, you can see the main comparison is
From Scalp to Knees- Front AND Back in a SINGLE session!
This translates to the YOU as…
Less Sessions to Treat More Areas
Less Cost Because of Less Sessions Needed
Faster Results Due To Balanced Full Body Treatments
So CONTOURLIGHT has better Hardware- What about Power and Light Quality?
If we take the argument away that you need to use other providers multiple times for multiple areas, there is the question of the quality and power of the light on other machines trying to do the job of the CONTOURLIGHT
Proper Therapy is given in Two Waves of Light.
Red Light
Delivered at 660nm, red light is readily absorbed by surface tissues and cells, leading to enhanced skin health and healing.
Near-Infrared Light
Delivered at 850nm, near infrared (NIR) light is invisible to the human eye, and penetrates into deeper tissues, leading to enhanced recovery and inflammation support.
Genesis Red Light system has an incredible 3,769 LED Diodes & 1,186 NIR Diodes- each producing 41mW… That’s 203W of Fat melting- Skin Healing- Pain Management POWER!
The difference is that OTHER systems require a different setting and/or even a different distance to the Red Light, at different time lengths in order to get the benefits desired.
Add that to needing multiple sessions for different areas and durations… NOW you need to add more sessions at different distances for different light penetration's!
Contrast that with the CONTOURLIGHT having the industry leading power and operating system, reflective coating on the pads for greater light direction and focus…
You get the benefit of Deep Muscle & Surface Tissue Therapy
In ONE Session!
CoolSculpting® vs CONTOURLIGHT
CoolSculpting® is one of the most popular body contouring procedures in the Austin area. But it can come with unexpected and unwanted results..
Why You Should NOT Freeze Your Fat:
Killing vs Draining Fat Cells
It is important to know that fat cells DO NOT replicate. Once fat cells have been killed/removed, your body will not produce more, even to accommodate future weight gain. Sounds good, right? But what happens if you do end up gaining weight?
Should an individual gain weight (added body fat), that fat will need to deposit somewhere and will look for available cells. Since there are no more fat cells in the area that had CoolScultping®, the fat will deposit in other closely available cells which can create a disproportionate look or what individuals refer to as “divets, shelves, or enlarged fat pads” on their bodies and uneven skin tone.
CoolSculpting® Kills Fat Cells
CoolSculpting® fat freezing technology kills fat cells which are then naturally removed (eliminated) by your body via your liver in 2-6 months. A certified technician or doctor will place an applicator over the desired area for treatment. The temperature inside the applicator’s vacuum will drop, thus commencing the cell freezing killing process.
CONTOURLIGHT on the other hand, use low-level laser therapy (LLLT) externally to effectively stimulate and collapse fat cells (pictured below). The result is that fat cells within adipose tissue are shrunk instead of killed, therefore keeping the integrity of the bodily tissue without disrupting the fat cell’s overall health and function. The fat removed will escape through the lymphatic system, leaving the fat cells intact and able to perform the important functions they are used for every day, which includes supporting your immune system!
Laser vs. LED
Laser sounds High-Tech. We want to have the most “sciencey” sounding gadget to make us feel that we are getting the most effective results.
What is the difference between laser light and LED light when it relates to this technology?
The light emitted by a 635nm device, regardless of whether the source is laser-based or LED-based, will deliver the same reaction within the tissue.
This has been proven in a study done by a physician that indicated both types of light, laser and LED, became diffused upon entering the dermis. The light was diffused to the point where there was negligible difference between the two types of light when it reached the subcutaneous fat cells (fat cells below the surface of the skin).
Meaning- they are the same, but having a classification of a laser, it must only be in operation under strict guidelines of a Medical Facility, and causes the cost of each session to go up because the very nature of their insurance and staffing is significant and passed to the client.
LED light therapy is available in a clinic or office. Making the cost to operate the equipment much lower.
The main difference is what product is being used.
If a business is using a one-directional light source that dose NOT surround the patient (like the ones we talked about above)— the price per treatment may often be less, but 3-5 times the amount of treatments will be needed to get similar results. Resulting in a much higher end cost per treatment.
We believe balance is the key to achieving health and wellness. Just like diet and exercise, light is a crucial ingredient for human health.
Today's indoor modern lifestyle has made it nearly impossible to achieve a balance which is why we designed our memberships for the entire family so you can utilize the healing power of light day or night.
We believe that continued use of the CONTOURLIGHT is the way to benefit fully from the power of Red Light Therapy