CONTOURLIGHT has been shown to greatly enhance the body's ability to heal itself while reducing pain.
It is safe and painless and results are often rapid with no side effects. The results include diminished pain, reduces inflammation, decreased edema, faster healing times, and increased strength of repaired tissues. Our unit helps a wide range of conditions including: Bursitis, Contusions, Skin Disorders, Diabetic Neuropathy, Sports Injuries, Sprains and Strains, Wound Healing and so on.
Millions of Americans are in pain. Some suffer from chronic headaches or back pain; others are recovering from surgery, sports injuries or accidents. Every year, millions of prescriptions are written for pain medications — many of them powerful opioids that can cause side effects and lead to addiction.
Sometimes conventional medicine—such as prescription medication—is not effective at treating chronic pain associated with certain medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia, neuropathy and rheumatoid arthritis. But some people living with chronic pain find relief with complementary and alternative medicine.
Inflammation and Pain are decreased by the light as it penetrates the mitochondria of the cells and increases ATP (adenosine triphosphate)which is cellular energy. Every time you breathe, digest food, your heart beats or you perform a bicep curl, your cells are using ATP energy. Every tissue and organ in our body have mitochondria that needs ATP to function. The light also blocks pain associated with nerves by blocking substance P. Substance P is a neuropeptide that makes your nerves more sensitive to pain.
Numerous studies have shown that RED/NIF light can stimulate and accelerate healing of numerous types of injuries from tendons/muscle/ligament tears to bone fractures and skin wounds such as diabetic ulcers. This is by affecting growth factors involved in cellular repairs as well as the effects on the inflammatory process.
Other exciting studies have been shown to benefit brain function as well. These studies show improvements in cognitive performance and memory, improved function after traumatic brain injury, concussions, improved mood as well as improvements in certain neurological diseases (e.g.Alzheimers’s disease & dementia.) The improvements in mitochondrial function, reduction in inflammation and increased Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF) all play a role in enhancing neuron health.
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue
Thyroid Diseases
Rheumathoid Arthritis
Concussions & Traumatic Brain Injuries
Psoriatic Arthritis
Diabetic wound healing
Open wounds and slow wound healing
Post-surgical incisions
Plantar Fascitis
Tendon and ligament pain
Sprains & Strains
Regular Neuropathy and drug induced neuropathy from Chemotherapy drugs
Joint pain
Post surgical back and neck pain
Increase circulation and capillaries
Stimulate collagen & elastin for less scar tissue
Shoulder Pain
Inflammation & Swelling
Tight muscles
Wrist pain
Tennis elbow and much more