Genesis Red Light

Discover What It's Like To Target MULTIPLE Trouble Areas At Once...

All While Taking A "Warm" & Relaxing" Nap

We have helped our clients lose:
407 Inches Lost

216 Pounds Lost

Equivalent to approximately 25,375,000 calories burned

We know you have questions.

We are here to help you understand the most common questions, in easy to understand explanations.

The Contour Light® system is FDA-cleared for use as a non-invasive dermatological aesthetic treatment for reducing the circumference of the hips, waist, and thighs. Contour Light® is also FDA-cleared for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritis, and muscle spasms, relieving stiffness.

Hear how Paula lost 23.8 pounds

in just 12 weeks
and lost a total of 

35.2 inches off her body

Limited to the First 20 Applicants

Invest in your Health Today.



Experience Red Light & Near Infrared light.

Body Contouring:
Loose inches and pounds in a matter of weeks.
Pain Management:
Old or newer injury healing.
Skin Rejuvenation:
Look younger with healthier skin.

How Can GENESIS Support Your Health and Lifestyle?

Light therapy can be an integral part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Using Genesis Red Light can enhance cellular function and help support the following:

 Balanced, Efficient Cells Can Enhance Health and Well-Being

Better cellular health can lead to systemic improvements across your body.

 Two Waves of Light.

Red Light

Delivered at 660nm, red light is readily absorbed by surface tissues and cells, leading to enhanced skin health and healing.

Near-Infrared Light

Delivered at 880nm, near infrared (NIR) light is invisible to the human eye, and penetrates into deeper tissues, leading to enhanced recovery and inflammation support.

What is your goal with Genesis Red Light?

click a treatment below.